(From last time)
Noah heard the noise of the lawnmower’s motor and turned around and came back to investigate. Noah looked carefully at the lawnmower, and was very careful to not get stabbed by the sharp horns that Blade had attached to the lawnmower. Noah was very curious and he reached down to touch the lawnmower. Unfortunately he touched the throttle and pushed it all the way to full speed! The lawnmower took off through the trees! Smoke began pouring out of the lawnmower’s motor, the lawn mower began to shake like a marshmallow roasting on an open fire, Flash began to scream, and the turbo charger began to make a noise like an ostrich singing in the rain. And…
They suddenly found themselves racing at high speed across a small platform of rock! They were high up on a mountain and at the edge of the rock there was a fearful drop of 800 feet down to sharp rocks at the bottom of a canyon! Flash slammed on the brakes of the lawnmower, and they came screeching to a stop just before they went over the edge! The view was incredible, but they did not have a chance to enjoy the scenery! Suddenly some creatures came flying at them making strange croaking noises and snapping at them with their sharp teeth! The creatures were a little smaller than eagles, but they did not have any feathers. They looked like giant bats! They also looked hungry and they were obviously meat-eaters.
There was no time to take a picture and look them up on the tablet, but Spark Plug already recognized them, they were pterodactyls! Apparently the rock ledge the lawnmower and kids were on was the perching place for a flock of Pterodactyls. There were at least 10 of them and they were circling around to start another attack on Flash and Spark Plug. The kids only hope was to keep moving, so Flash started the lawnmower going full speed around that rock! They were going so fast that when they turned, the lawnmower came up on two wheels and they almost tipped over! Spark Plug yelled, “Be careful! Don’t go over the edge!” Flash yelled back, “I am being careful!” Spark Plug used his arms and hands to try to bat the pterodactyls away when they got too close. He yelled, “We can’t do this forever! I wish there were some trees up here so that we could time travel and get away from here!” Flash yelled back, “I wish we could fly!”
Just then one of the Pterodactyls got past Spark Plug’s waving arms and almost bit Flash’s nose! She screamed and lost control of the lawnmower! It looked like certain death! The lawnmower was going full speed right toward the edge of the cliff….
The lawnmower and the kids went hurtling over the edge of the cliff! They were going full speed straight down! Flash and Spark Plug could see the sharp rocks 800 feet below them and coming fast! They were both screaming for God to help them! Then it happened! 50 feet before they hit the rocks at the bottom of the canyon, there were two trees growing on a small ledge of rock. The lawnmower crashed through the branches of those trees. Smoke began pouring out of the lawn mower’s motor, the lawnmower began to shake like a marshmallow roasting on an open fire, Flash began to scream, and the turbo charger began to make a noise like an ostrich singing in the rain. And…

What can we learn from this story:
God provides the help that we need, just when we need it. God does not tell us ahead of time what He will do to help us out of a particular problem, we need to trust Him and have faith that at just the right time He will provide help in just the right way.
- Sometimes God will provide people to help our situation
- Sometimes God will use circumstances to help our situation
- Sometimes God will use angels or a miracle to help our situation
In the Bible in the book of Psalms chapter 91 verses 9-12 it says:
If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.
In the Bible in the book of Psalms chapter 46 verse 1 it says:
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.
In the Bible in the book of I Peter chapter 5 verse 7 it says:
Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.
So, when we face problems, we need to trust that God will send the help that we need at just the right time. Worrying about problems will not fix the problems, turning the problems over to God and letting Him take care of them is the way to go.