(From last time)
They walked back to the canyon where they had hidden the lawnmower and talked about all the adventures that they had had. They both were starting to get very homesick and they agreed to leave this place and maybe, just maybe they would get home some time. So they started the lawnmower, aimed it at a clump of trees and pushed the throttle all the way open! Smoke began pouring out of the lawn mower’s motor, the lawn mower began to shake like a marshmallow roasting on an open fire, Flash began to scream, and the turbo charger began to make a noise like an ostrich singing in the rain. And…
The lawnmower almost ran into the side of another large dinosaur! The horns that Flash had attached to the lawnmower almost stabbed the dinosaur in the leg! The dinosaur heard the noise of the lawnmower and turned around to see what was making the noise. The dinosaur was almost as large as a bus and the head was huge. It had a bony shield around the back of his head and three large horns coming out of his face! Spark Plug took a picture right away and the tablet quickly came back with information that this was a triceratops dinosaur, a ferocious and dangerous fighter but a plant eater!
The triceratops was very curious about the lawnmower, he inspected the three horns on the lawnmower very carefully. He seemed to think that since the lawnmower had three horns like he did, they must be related somehow. Flash and Spark Plug thought that they would have a good chance to become friends with this dinosaur like they had become friends with the Stegosaurus they had names Stego.
But they did not have a chance to become friends! Suddenly with loud roars, four T-Rexes came charging across the field, they looked angry and very hungry! The triceratops charged at two of the T-Rexes, and Flash fired up the lawnmower and they charged at the other two T-Rexes. It was a horrible battle! The T-Rexes kept circling around and trying to avoid the horns of the triceratops and the horns on the lawnmower. Flash was spinning the lawnmower around as fast as she could to try to keep the horns pointed at the T-Rex that was the closest. Spark Plug was hanging on to Flash as tight as he could! He did not want to fall off, because if he did not have the protection of the horns he would get eaten for sure. The triceratops was also charging and spinning around to face the closest T-Rex, he did not want to get eaten either. The triceratops and the kids on the lawnmower worked together as a team, neither was going to leave the other, they were supporting each other, and they were there for each other!
Finally the battle was over! The T-Rexes were bloody from the horns of the triceratops and the lawnmower, and they began to run away. Flash left the triceratops behind and drove the lawnmower after the T-Rexes to keep them running. Everything was going great until they went into a patch of trees! The T-Rexes suddenly realized that the triceratops was not chasing them, the lawnmower was by itself! All four T-Rexes turned around to attack the lawnmower! Flash spun the lawnmower in a sharp turn to avoid the T-Rexes and the motor coughed and almost quit! Spark Plug yelled, “I think the lawnmower is almost out of gas! Get us out of here quick!” Flash pushed the throttle to full speed and aimed for the closest tree! Smoke began pouring out of the lawn mower’s motor, the lawn mower began to shake like a marshmallow roasting on an open fire, Flash began to scream, and the turbo charger began to make a noise like an ostrich singing in the rain. And…
The lawnmower was coughing and sputtering and headed for a huge T-Rex! There was no time to turn and they were going too fast to stop! The lawnmower hit the T-Rex! There was a loud clanging noise, the horns broke into small pieces and went flying everywhere, and the kids went flying through the air and landed on something soft!
Flash and Spark Plug jumped to their feet; they were standing on some soft material that looked like the ground-up tires that are sometimes put under swing sets in a playground! They did not notice right away what they were standing on, instead they were looking at the T-Rex and the lawnmower. The T-Rex was still standing there, not moving, and the lawnmower was lying in pieces beside the T-Rex! Then they noticed that the sun was reflecting brightly off the T-Rex, in fact the T-Rex was made of metal! It was the T-Rex in the park close to their house! When they were little both Flash and Spark Plug had climbed all over that T-Rex. They were finally home! They walked over to what was left of their lawnmower, they there just in time to hear the last sputter of the motor, then it quit, the lawnmower was completely out of gas! They had made it back home just in time! The tablet was lying on the ground completely smashed and broken, they had lost all the pictures they had taken of the dinosaurs. The turbo charger and the GPS unit were both smashed and lying on the lawnmower. The lawnmower was bent and broken, it would never travel through time again, and it would never even mow a lawn!
Flash said to Spark Plug, ‘I guess we should call that lady and tell her we will not be able to mow her lawn!”

What can we learn from this story:
This story is about not being afraid. Flash and Spark Plug were not afraid while they were fighting the T-Rex dinosaurs because the Triceratops was fighting beside them. As long as they stayed close to the Triceratops, they were safe because when they were working together, they could overcome the T-Rex dinosaurs. In the same way, we do not need to be afraid when we are close to God because God will fight our battles with us, and with His help we can overcome any enemy or any problem!
In the Bible, in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 6 it says:
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.
In the Bible, in the book of Psalms chapter 118 verses 6-7 it says:
The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me? Yes, the Lord is for me; He will help me. I will look in triumph at those who hate me.
God has promised never to leave us (Christians) no matter what, just like the Triceratops stayed with the children in the thick of the battle. It was only when the kids went away from the Triceratops that they got into trouble.
Stay close to God and have no fear!!