The next morning began exactly like the previous two mornings. At breakfast Joe said to Haley, “This would be a perfect day to take the kayaks out on the Black River and go exploring.” Haley was so excited to hear this that she accidently dropped her bowl of Fruit Loops on the floor! Then she accidently stepped on the Fruit Loops and they rolled under her feet and she fell down with a loud crunch! The crunch was the noise made by all the Fruit Loops being crushed to powder when her body landed on them. After the mess was cleaned up, they finished eating breakfast, then Joe got his crutches and went to the barn. He hooked a trailer behind their four-wheeler and loaded their two kayaks, paddles and life jackets onto the trailer. He used bungee cords to strap his crutches to the side of the four-wheeler. Sara and Daniel came out to the barn and got on the four-wheeler, and they left for the river.
The river was calm and peaceful this morning. Once Joe got into his kayak, he had Haley put his crutches on the 4-wheeler, he would not need his crutches while he was in the kayak. Daniel watched Haley getting into her kayak, then he decided! Daniel ran over to Joe’s kayak and got in with Joe! Daniel had seen how clumsy Haley could be, and he did not want to get dumped into the river! Joe’s kayak was much safer for the raccoon! They paddled side-by side for a while, then the river got a little narrower just before a curve. Joe said to Haley, “We need to go single file here. I’ll go in front. Joe paddled faster and took the lead, this time Haley obeyed Joe and stayed behind him while they went through the narrow place in the river and around the curve. After the curve the river split in three different directions, the main part of the river went straight, but there was a little creek that went to the left and another little creek that went to the right. Joe said to Haley, “You choose which way we should go exploring today, we have been to the left, so choose to go to the right, or straight ahead.”
Haley thought for a moment and said, “Today I think I will choose the creek going to the right!” Haley took the lead and went up the creek that went to the right. It was a very quiet and lazy creek! It was very narrow and the tree branches were not very far above their heads, it was like paddling their kayaks down a tunnel. The water was very shallow and there were water plants growing on the bottom of the creek. It was very peaceful, and Haley started feeling a little sleepy, she was not paying attention. However, Joe was paying attention and he heard a sound. He quietly said, “Haley! Ducks!” All Haley heard was the word ‘duck’, she thought Joe was warning her of danger, so she ducked! Unfortunately she forgot that she was in a kayak! She hit her head on the kayak when she ducked, she yelled, “Ouch”, she dropped her paddle, then she tried to grab her paddle before it floated away! All this vigorous activity caused the kayak to flip over, and Haley went face-first into the shallow creek and the muddy creek bottom with weeds growing in it! Haley got to her feet spluttering and wiped the mud from her face and tired to get the mud out of her nose and then said to Joe, “Why did you tell me to duck?” Joe was just sitting in his kayak staring at Haley’s goofiness with wide eyes. He said, “I did not tell you to duck, I was trying to tell you that I heard ducks, I think they are just up ahead.” Since the water was shallow, Haley was able to get back into her kayak without too much trouble, and they continued paddling up the creek.
Just ahead the creek got shallower, and it widened out into a marsh. The marsh was about the size a city block, and the whole surface of the marsh was covered with water plants. Around the edges of the marsh there were bunches of cattails, and water grasses. The whole marsh was filled with ducks and a few geese. They were feeding on the water plants. Most of the ducks were Mallard ducks, the female ducks were speckled brown, and the male ducks had green heads. It was fun to watch them eat. The ducks would put their heads under water to eat the water plants. They looked funny with their heads in the water and their back ends sticking up in the air!
Suddenly Haley noticed some ducks that were different! They had bright orange eyes, their heads were shaped differently and they had some black and white feathers on their bodies. She asked Joe, “What kind of ducks are those?” Joe answered, “They are Wood Ducks, there are not too many of them around here.” Haley said, “I have lived here all my life and never seen one before. They are so pretty!”

Joe said, “It always amazes me when I look at God’s creation and realize how wonderful He made this world. It makes me want to love Him and worship Him more!” Haley agreed, “It makes me love God more and want to worship Him too!” Haley lifted her hands and looked up into the sky and yelled, “Thank you God!” Lifting her arms like that caused Haley to lose her balance, the kayak tipped sideways, and with a piercing scream Haley fell into the marsh! Instantly all the ducks and geese took off! There was an awful noise of duck quacking, geese honking, and the rush of many wings as the birds took flight. Soon the ducks and geese were out of sight and the only noise at the marsh was Joe’s laughter and Haley’s grumbling as she tried to get the water plants and mud off of her!
We are surrounded by many wonderful things in nature. Everyday we are surrounded by birds, land animals, insects, trees, plants, sunrises, sunsets, and so much more! God made nature so awesome so that we could enjoy it, but it needs to be enjoyed in the right way.
Many people make the mistake of loving nature, but not loving God (who made nature). People that make this mistake end up worshipping nature, and that is a huge mistake.
The Bible teaches us that nature should point us to God, and we should worship God only.
In Psalms 8 the Bible says:
O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens. You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you. When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers – the moon and the stars you set in place – what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority – the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents. O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
Enjoy nature, but always worship God who made this awesome nature that He gave us to enjoy and do what you can to take care of nature that God gave us!