The next time MJ and Precious came to Professor Ooops lab, he looked a little discouraged. He told the kids that he just could not seem to get his time machine fixed. No matter what he did, he could not make them go back to Bible times, the people from the Bible kept coming to our time. MJ and Precious did not think that this was such a bad thing, they told the Professor that they enjoyed having the Bible people come to our time. This made the Professor feel better and put a smile back on his face.
Precious suggested that they needed to move the button to the outside of the wooden booth so that they could control the time machine from the outside. This made a lot of sense, so MJ helped the Professor move that button, and soon they were ready to have a visit from another ancestor of Jesus.
Abraham had visited them last time, and now they wanted to visit Abraham’s son Isaac. Precious turned the dial to the name ‘Isaac’ and MJ pushed the button on the outside of the booth. Nothing happened for about 30 seconds, then the booth began to shake like a mosquito who had too much caffeine, there was the sound of thunder, and the air was filled with pieces of firewood that were on fire, a large ram (a male sheep), and a knife!
The Professor said ‘Ooops’! MJ and Precious screamed as they dodged that knife as it flew through the air. Once the knife hit the far wall of the lab and fell to the floor, they thought their problems were over, but they were so wrong! Their problems had just begun! Everywhere a burning piece of wood landed, it started a fire! Papers were burning! Wood tables were burning! The whole lab might catch on fire and burn down! The Professor grabbed a fire extinguisher, pulled the pin, and squeezed the lever and began spraying! Unfortunately, he forgot to point the hose at the fire. The fire extinguisher sprayed the Professor’s head and covered it with white powder! The Professor said, “Ooops!” Just then Isaac came out of the booth, he saw the Professor with a white head and thought it was a white-headed monster. He screamed and began to run away! The Professor did not want Isaac to escape from the lab, so he chased Isaac. Isaac saw the white-headed monster chasing him, and he screamed louder and ran faster! The ram started chasing Issac and the Professor!
Meanwhile, MJ and Precious turned on the water and got a couple of buckets. They were throwing buckets of water everywhere! The floor started to get slippery! The ram was charging straight towards the Professor when it slipped, fell and went sliding across the floor! The ram quickly got to its feet and charged the other way, straight towards Isaac! Isacc saw the ram coming and tried to stop, but his feet kept sliding on the floor! The ram and Isaac collided with a tremendous crash and toppled to the floor right next to a burning wastebasket! The Professor came sliding into them and landed right on top of the ram and Isaac! MJ and Precious came running with two buckets of water and threw the water onto the burning wastebasket, Isaac, the Professor, and the ram! The Professor said ‘Ooops’!
All the fires were completely out, the Professor, Isaac, and the ram were soaking wet, and the white powder was washed off the Professor’s head so that he did not look like a white-headed monster anymore! MJ and Precious were the heroes! They had put the fires out and saved the lab and the time machine!
They quickly tied up the ram so that it could not cause any more trouble, and then Precious introduced everyone. They were surprised that Isaac was not an old man, he was a teenager! They had always thought that the people in the Bible were old people. They could not wait to hear Isaac’s story.
Isaac told them that he loved growing up in his family. Their house was full of laughter because God had performed a miracle, and his parents had had Isaac when Abraham was 100 and his mother Sarah was 90 years old! Isaac loved and respected his parents very much, and he never wanted to disappoint them.
Everything was great until a few days ago. Isaac’s Dad, Abraham, came in one evening and he seemed upset about something. He was sad and did not laugh at all. The next morning Abraham told Sarah that he had to go on a journey. God had told him that he had to go and make a sacrifice to God on Mount Moriah. Sarah wanted to know why Abraham had to go so far to make a sacrifice. Abraham did not know why God wanted him to go to that mountain, but he knew that he needed to obey God. Abraham said that he was going to take some servants with him and take Isaac along.
It was not a happy journey, Abraham got more and more sad as they went along. Finally, the day came when they saw Mount Moriah in the distance. Abraham told the servants to wait there, he and Isaac would go up Mount Moriah and make the sacrifice. This seemed very strange, but no one questioned Abraham.
Early the next morning they got up and got ready to go. Abraham tied a big bundle of wood onto Isaac’s back, and Abraham carried a container with live coals of fire in it and he also carried a knife. They started to go toward the mountain, and it was a quiet hike. Finally, Isaac asked his father a question; he said that they had the wood, the fire, and the knife, but Abraham had forgotten to bring an animal for the sacrifice. Abraham answered and said that God would provide for the sacrifice (Genesis 22:8).
When they got to a certain spot on Mount Moriah, Abraham said that this was the place for the sacrifice. Isaac helped his father gather stones and build an altar for the sacrifice. When the altar was ready, Isaac put the wood onto the altar, and then Abraham took a rope and tied up Isaac and put him on the altar. Isaac was surprised and very confused, but he did not fight his father. He could have run away, after all his father was 100 years older than him, but he did not run away. He did not understand what was happening, but he did not fight his father.
Abraham took the knife and was about to kill his son Isaac when God spoke to them! Isaac had never heard God speak before and it was an awesome experience! God told Abraham not to hurt Isaac, but to look behind him. Abraham turned around and saw a ram (male sheep) caught in the bushes. Abraham took Isaac off the altar, and they sacrificed the ram instead. Abraham named that place ‘The Lord will provide’.
God had not really wanted Abraham to kill Isaac, God was testing Abraham, and Abraham showed that he loved God more than anything or anyone else!
The Professor told Isaac that there was more to the story. Many years later the city of Jerusalem was built on Mount Moriah. One day the Son of God, Jesus, was killed outside of Jerusalem on Mount Moriah. It was the same mountain that God had sent Abraham and Isaac to make a sacrifice. The death of Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice that paid for the all the sins of the world. God saved Abraham’s son from being a sacrifice, but God did spare His own Son from being the ultimate sacrifice! In the Bible in Romans 8:31-34 it says:
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else? Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for His own? No one – for God Himself has given us right standing with Himself. Who then will condemn us? No one – for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and He is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.
What wonderful promises God has made for those who believe in Jesus and accept Him into their life and ask that their sins be forgiven! Truly on the mountain of God (Mount Moriah) God did provide the sacrifice!
It was time for Isaac to go back to his own time. He could hardly wait to tell his father and mother about the wonderful sacrifice that Jesus would make on Mount Moriah one day in the future!
Isaac went into the booth, the Professor, MJ, and Precious untied the ram and somehow managed to shove it into the booth without letting it escape again. They shut the door and pushed the button. Nothing happened for about 30 seconds, then the booth began to shake like a mosquito who had too much caffeine, there was the sound of thunder, and Isaac and the ram went back to their own time.