One spring morning at breakfast Joe said to Haley, “This would be a perfect day to take the kayaks out on the Black River and go exploring.” Haley was so excited to hear this that she accidentally dropped her bowl of Fruit Loops on the floor! Then she accidentally stepped on the Fruit Loops, and […]
Category: Stories
Stories from Medford Forest – God will not leave us
Haley sat in a Church on Saturday evening. It was not the Church that she usually attended. A big Church in a city about an hour from the farm was having a dinner/theater, so she and Joe went to that. The food was very good, and Haley was very careful not to spill any of […]
Stories From Medford Forest – Listening
The doe lay quietly in the middle of a thicket of short bushes. The branches of the bushes were so thick that she could not be seen from the outside. Only the slight breeze could carry her scent to animals that would want to hurt her. Earlier the doe had been out with the other […]
Stories from Medford Forest – Longing For God
As Haley and Joe finished their talk about temptations, Haley was starting to get sleepy. Since she had fallen into the puddle in the driveway, she had taken a hot shower, drank hot chocolate and had a warm meal. Now she was wearing warm clothes and was wrapped up in a warm blanket. She was […]
Stories from Medford Forest – Temptation
It was January, but it did not seem like the middle of winter. For the last two days the sun had been out and it had been warm! Some of the snow had melted and there were big puddles of icy water in places. One of the biggest puddles of icy water was in the […]
Stories from Medford Forest – Read Your Bible
Haley burst into the farmhouse and did not even bother to close the door because she was so upset! She screamed at Joe, “That contest in Sunday School was not fair! They must hate me, and I do not ever want to go back to Sunday School!” Haley then turned around and stomped out of […]
Stories from Medford Forest – Trapped in Sin
Summer was over, fall had come and gone, and now it was winter at Joe & Haley’s farm at the edge of Medford Forest. One morning Haley was in a grumpy mood when she sat down for a late breakfast! The day had started out terribly! Just before she had woken up, she had had […]
Stories from Medford Forest – The Father’s Voice
One night just before dawn Daniel the raccoon climbed down out of his hollow tree and went across the field to Joe and Haley’s farmhouse. He knew how to open the door to the house, so he let himself into the house and went exploring. Daniel stopped first in Joe’s room, he was looking for […]
Stories from Medford Forest – Clean Words
It was a beautiful morning! When Joe got out of bed he said, “This would be a great day for a picnic on the island!” Joe grabbed his crutches and went to Haley’s room and yelled, “Wake up Haley, it’s a beautiful morning and we are going on a picnic!” Haley jumped about a foot […]
Stories from Medford Forest – Easter at the Tomb
It was evening on Easter Sunday. Joe and Haley were sitting at the kitchen table, and Joe was reading the Easter story from the Bible. He said, “Haley, pay attention to this next part of the story because one of the main characters is a young woman named Mary Magdalene! Why don’t you try to […]