The next helper had a very unusual appearance! Her hair was messed up and frizzy like it had been scorched, her clothes had holes burned in them, and the bottom of her shoes were almost burnt all the way through! The teacher looked surprised and asked the helper what had happened. The helper said that […]
Category: Stories
God-Connections in National Parks – Bryce Canyon National Park
The next helper who had a report was a young man who talked very fast and did not seem to make any sense at all! He said, “Hi youuu, doo you see any hoo-doo’s? Doo youuu have a cow that says Moo Doo? Sue doo moo hoo doo new doo hoo too quoo doo hoo […]
God-Connections in National Parks – Yellowstone National Park – Moose Encounters
The excited helper from Yellowstone National Park with the great tan was done talking about God-Connections in Yellowstone National Park. She was putting her papers in her backpack when she happened to drop a piece of paper. The teacher picked it up, looked briefly at it, and asked the helper to explain the piece of […]
God-Connections in National Parks – Yellowstone National Park – Rivers
The excited helper from Yellowstone National Park with the great tan continued talking without hardly taking time to breathe! She said, “I found another God-Connection in Yellowstone National Park!” There are four rivers that have their beginnings in the park. The beginning of a river is called the ‘headwaters’ of the river. The Lamar River, […]
God-Connections in National Parks – Yellowstone National Park – Old Faithful
The same helper, with the great tan and wearing summer clothes, was not finished yet! She excitedly said, “I’m not done yet! I have two more God-Connections that I found in Yellowstone National Park!” Yellowstone National Park is well known for its hydrothermal features. In fact, the park has over 10,000 hydrothermal features! The helper […]
God-Connections in National Parks – Christmas in August in Yellowstone National Park
The third helper with a Christmas God-Connection now stepped forward. She was wearing shorts, a t-shirt and had an amazing tan! Everyone was curious about how she got such a great tan in the winter, and why she was dressed in summer clothes. She explained that at Yellowstone National Park they celebrate Christmas in August! […]
God-Connections in National Parks – National Christmas Tree
The second helper with a Christmas God-Connection now stepped forward. She had garland wrapped around her body, tinsel hanging from her hair, and Christmas ornaments hanging from her ears. She was so excited about Christmas! She said that she had been to Washington DC and had found out about the national Christmas tree! Maintaining the […]
God-Connections in National Parks – Fort Vancouver
Christmas is almost here and the teacher asked if any of the helpers had found any God-Connections that involved the Christmas holiday. Three of the helpers raised their hands, stepped forward and said that they had found a God-Connection that involved the Christmas holiday. The teacher pointed to one of the helpers and asked him […]
God-Connections in National Parks – National Park of American Samoa (Part 2)
The teacher was ready to hear a report from another helper, but just then the teacher received a text from the helper in American Samoa! The text said, “Coconuts…wait for it!” It was a strange message, so the teacher decided to wait and see what information was sent from American Samoa. While they were waiting, […]
God-Connections in National Parks – National Park of American Samoa
The next helper made her report in an unusual way, she reported to the teacher over the internet from the island of American Samoa! This helper was at the National Park of American Samoa and had decided to spend the holidays in Samoa! Samoa is south of the equator, east of Australia, and southwest of […]