The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. Gallons of alphabet soup came shooting out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, Gummy Bear and M&M saw that the bright pink tractor was perfectly balanced on the very top of a tall tower. The bright […]
Tag: Tower of Babel
9. Custom Lawn Mowing – Dealing with Pride
(From last time) That man and his Brachiosaurus were ready to go back to work. So while the other people were still trying to figure which Brachiosaurus belonged to them, this man and his Brachiosaurus picked the best rock and began to drag it out of the canyon. Flash and Spark Plug decided to follow […]
8. Professor Ooops and the Time Machine
Then it happened… The bicycle began bouncing like a toad in a washing machine! There was a blinding flash of light and a loud noise like a turtle singing! Suddenly the forest, the Garden of Eden, and Mama Moose disappeared and…. Suddenly the bicycle/time machine was going full speed down a rough road headed straight […]