The group left New Mexico and entered Arizona. The Leader told the kids that they were going to stop at the Petrified Forest National Park. The kids were not sure what to expect at a petrified forest, but they were excited that they were going to see it! They were almost at the petrified forest […]
Category: Stories
Adventures on Route 66 – The Musical Highway
The next day the group only traveled a short distance. They were still going up and down mountains and the road had many dangerous curves. While they were traveling, they sang songs to pass the time. At a certain time, the Leader asked them to sing America the Beautiful, but he had one special rule; […]
Adventures on Route 66 – San Miguel Chapel
The group was still traveling in New Mexico, but now Route 66 had turned north and they were in an area of mountains. It was a nice change from the desert and the scenery was awesome! The Ugly Little Blue Bus struggled to go uphill, but it kept chugging along! Eventually they got to […]
Adventures on Route 66 – The Blue Hole
The group traveling in the Ugly Little Blue Bus had finally made it to New Mexico. The kids had no idea of the adventures that they would have in this State, but they were certain of one thing; it was hot, and they had no air conditioning! They were traveling through the desert and the […]
Adventures on Route 66 – The Leaning Towers
After leaving the Cadillac Ranch, they were traveling down Route 66 in a very flat part of Texas, there was nothing exciting happening, so one of the kids asked the Leader a question. “Yesterday when we were going past the giant cross in Groom Texas, I saw something else that was kind of freaky. I […]
Adventures on Route 66 – A Cross, Slug Bugs & Cadillacs
After leaving Pops 66 the group continued traveling in the Ugly Little Blue Bus down Route 66 and finally, they got into Texas! They were excited because every new State brought new adventures! They could not wait to see what would happen next! The kids noticed that the ground was completely flat and kind of […]
Adventures on Route 66 – Pops 66
After the night of the bad storm and having the electricity go out in the cabins, the group woke up late and eventually got into the Ugly Little Blue Bus and started traveling down Route 66 again. They were still in Oklahoma, and still traveling west. The weather was hot and soon the kids started […]
Adventures on Route 66 – The Campground Adventure
A day after leaving the Gathering Place Park, the group went to a campground to spend the night. It started out like any other night in a campground, but quickly turned into an adventure! The campground had two small cabins that the group got to use that night, the cabins even had electric lights! It […]
Adventures on Route 66 – The Gathering Place
After leaving the Giant Blue Whale, the Ugly Little Blue Bus took the group to a nearby campground just outside of Tulsa Oklahoma. Some of the kids came to the Leader and complained and said, “We have had a lot of fun on this trip and learned a lot about God and about our country, […]
Adventures on Route 66 – Blue Whale of Catoosa (pronounced K2C)
After leaving Ku-Ku Burgers, the leaders and the kids traveled along Route 66 through Oklahoma. The next day the kids were getting hungry again and they told the Leader that they hoped he had planned a great lunch for them. They were hoping to stop at another restaurant that was as good as the Ku-Ku. […]