The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. A crowing rooster came out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, M&M and Gummy Bear saw that they were still in Jerusalem and still in front of the same house. They knew it was the same […]
Category: Stories
Farmer Green and Farmer Purple Time Travels – Pass the Bread and Juice
The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. Grape juice and bread came out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, M&M and Gummy Bear saw that they were in the city of Jerusalem in front of a big house. They knew that they were […]
Farmer Green & Farmer Purple Time Travels – Do You See What I See
The bright pink tractor went speeding down the country road outside of Bethlehem. Gummy Bear and M&M could not steer it, stop it, or even make it slow down! Suddenly the bright pink tractor screeched to a stop beside a field. Gummy Bear looked at the field and saw something out there! He said, “Look […]
Farmer Green & Farmer Purple Time Travels – Winter Vacation??
The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. Hay and straw came out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, M&M and Gummy Bear saw that they were on a dusty dirt road out in the country. Many people were walking along this road, headed […]
Farmer Green & Farmer Purple Time Travels – Who Is Having A Baby?
The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. Angels came out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, M&M and Gummy Bear saw that they were in the town of Nazareth outside of a house. Suddenly an angel appeared right in front of M&M and […]
Farmer Green & Farmer Purple Time Travels – Going For A Swim
The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. Grasshoppers, flies, hail, frogs, and gnats came out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, M&M and Gummy Bear saw that they were beside a big body of water. It was too big to be a lake, […]
Farmer Green & Farmer Purple Time Travels – Corn, Corn, Corn
The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. A pizza came out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, M&M and Gummy Bear saw that they were still with Joseph. Joseph was standing next to a huge building that was filled with corn! There was […]
Farmer Green & Farmer Purple Time Travels – No Coat for a Slave
The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. A coat with many bright colors came out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, M&M and Gummy Bear saw that they were in a desert. M&M said, “Hey did you see that coat with many bright […]
Farmer Green & Farmer Purple Time Travels – FATHER ABRAHAM HAD….
The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. Music came out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, M&M and Gummy Bear saw that they were at a campsite at the bottom of a mountain. Gummy Bear listened to the music coming from the bright […]
Farmer Green & Farmer Purple Time Travels – Alphabet Soup
The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. Gallons of alphabet soup came shooting out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, Gummy Bear and M&M saw that the bright pink tractor was perfectly balanced on the very top of a tall tower. The bright […]