One night at the campfire Dave was quiet and seemed sad and thoughtful. The kids asked what was wrong, and Dave told them that he had some news that was difficult to tell them. He was going to go and work with some kids who lived in poverty in a city and needed help. They also needed to hear about Jesus. Dave was excited about this new challenge that God had brought into his life, but he was also sad because he would miss the times of meeting around the campfire with this group of kids.
The kids were shocked by this news and asked Dave why he wanted to leave. Dave told them that he had not planned on leaving, but this new opportunity had come up, and God had made it very clear that He wanted Dave to accept this new challenge. Dave always wanted to follow God’s directions, but it was not always easy. Dave had come to love the kids that met him at the campfire.
The kids loved Dave too, they had learned so much about God from Dave and they would miss him a lot. One by one they went to Dave, hugged him and told him how much they would miss him. More than one person shed tears that night.
After they got their emotions under control, Dave asked them if he could tell them one more story. The kids eagerly begged him to tell the story.
Dave told them that there was once a group high school youth groups that came to camp for a week. These youth groups came from several different states and the camp was a central location for them. While at camp the youth groups competed against each other in sports and in Bible competitions. The most difficult Bible competition was called the Quiz Team Competition. Each group chose a group of six students to be on their quiz team. Several months before camp, a book of the Bible was chosen for the competition. Usually, one of the short books in the New Testament was chosen.
The members of each quiz team started memorizing the chosen book of the Bible. Each member of the team was told to focus on one or two of the chapters. The verses in the chapters had to be memorized word-for-word, there could be no mistakes. Being on the quiz team was a difficult challenge and the members of the team had to be self-motivated and not give up.
When they got to camp, the quizzing schedule was announced. Each day a team from one Church went against the team from another Church. Wins and loses were recorded and by the end of the week the final quiz competition was between the best two teams. The winner was the camp champion. The prize was the championship plaque! Each year the winning youth group got their name added to the plaque and they got to keep the plaque at their Church until camp time next year.
For the quiz competition they used a list of 21 questions. The two competing teams sat at the front of the room. The pastor who read the questions stood at a podium between the two teams. The pastor started to read the first question, and as soon as one of the team members thought they knew the answer, they stood up. As soon as someone stood up, the pastor quit reading the question, and the student who was standing had a chance to answer the question by quoting directly from the Bible. If the answer was not quoted perfectly, the pastor finished reading the question and a person on the other team got a chance to stand up and give the answer. The first team that scored 11 points won the competition for the day.
On the last day of camp there was great excitement and a lot of cheering during the competition between the last two teams!
Dave told the kids that this had been one of the most important activities at camp because it forced the students on the quiz teams to memorize at least two chapters of the Bible, and to learn it very carefully!
In the Bible in Psalms 119:11 it says:
I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.
In the Bible in Psalms 119:105 it says:
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.
Dave explained that it is very important to know God’s Word and memorize parts of it. When we go through a difficult situation, God’s Holy Spirit brings to our mind portions of the Bible that we know that will help us through that situation. Learn God’s Word by listening when you are taught about the Bible, read the Bible on your own and get to know it, and memorize verses from the Bible that mean a lot to you and will help you through difficult times.
In the Bible in John 14:26 Jesus says:
But when the Father sends the Advocate as My representative – that is, the Holy Spirit – He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.
Dave finished by telling the group of students to learn the Bible, it is one of the most important things to do in this life!
Dave thanked the kids for listening and learning at the campfires. He told the kids that he had their phone numbers, and they had his phone number. If they ever needed someone to talk to, they could call Dave, and if Dave ever moved back to that camp, he would contact the kids so that he could meet them at the campfire again!