Professor Ooops had two new things in his life: he had a new invention and new helpers. His invention was a time machine that could take people back in time so that he could meet the famous people of the Bible. His two new helpers were middle schoolers from the youth group at his Church. Their names were MJ & Precious; they were brother & sister. MJ was one year older than Precious.
The Professor had been concentrating on not being clumsy or making silly mistakes, and he thought that he had made a lot of progress. There should be no problems this time!
MJ and Precious were at the Professor’s lab, and he showed them his invention. The machine looked like a big computer that was attached to a large wooden booth that was four feet wide, four feet long, and eight feet high. It had a wooden door that closed securely and a button on the inside. The Professor showed them a dial on the computer that had names of Bible characters around it. To travel through time, a person needed to turn the dial to the Bible person that they wanted to visit, go into the wooden booth, close the door, and push the button. They would immediately be transported back in time and meet the person from the Bible.
MJ and Precious were very excited! They had often wondered what the people in the Bible were really like; were they a lot different than us or were they a lot like us. They could not wait to try it out! They asked the Professor what people in the Bible they were going to visit, and the Professor said that he had always wanted to meet the people that were the human ancestors of Jesus. They would start with the very first ancestors of Jesus: Adam and Eve!
The Professor turned on the machine and turned the dial to Adam and Eve. The Professor, MJ and Precious went into the booth, closed the door. Suddenly they all realized that there was no light in the booth, it was pitch dark! The Professor said, “Ooops!” The Professor pushed the button! Nothing happened! The Professor said, “Ooops!” The Professor was discouraged and was just about to open the door when it happened! The booth began to shake like a mosquito who had too much caffeine, there was the sound of thunder, and the air was filled with fur! The Professor said, “Ooops!”
They opened the door of the booth and stumbled out. They looked around and saw that they had not gone anywhere, they were still in the Professor’s lab! The Professor said, “Ooops!” Then there was a noise coming from the booth! Two other people came out of the booth, they were both tall, had glowing bronze skin, and they were wearing clothes made of furs!
It was Adam and Eve! The machine had worked the wrong way! Instead of going back in time to Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve had come to them! The Professor said, “Ooops!”
The Professor, MJ and Precious looked at the machine and tried to figure out what had gone wrong. A few minutes later they turned around and found that Adam and Eve were not there anymore! The door of the lab was open! Adam and Eve had escaped! This could be a disaster!
They ran out of the lab and ran into town to look for Adam and Eve, but they could not find them! About an hour later they came back to the lab and asked each other what they should do. Just then Adam and Eve burst through the door of the lab, and they looked very different! They were not wearing fur clothes anymore; they were wearing clothes that looked like they came from the 1970’s! They were wearing tie-dyed shirts, bell-bottom pants with flowers on them, platform shoes, and sunglasses!
Precious asked Adam and Eve what had happened to them. Adam answered, “We went down the hill into town and found a store named, ‘Flower Children Forever!” We went into the store and traded our fur clothes for these clothes and shades! The man in the store said that we looked cool and groovy and that we would make the scene with these threads! The Professor said, “Ooops!”
MJ looked up at Eve and realized that even though she had been tall before, now the platform shoes made her about five inches taller! He asked Eve, what was it like in the beginning? Did you and Adam know that you were the human ancestors of Jesus?
Eve answered and told them that being the first people in the world had been both wonderful and awful! It had been wonderful because they had been created by God Himself, and they got to talk with God face-to-face every day until that one day when everything had become awful! On that day Satan had tricked them, and they had eaten the forbidden fruit. Suddenly they were separated from God and scared of God! Because of their sin, they knew that they would die someday, and that they would be separated from God forever and tormented with Satan! They deserved this because of their sin.
God still loved them, and He promised to make a way for sins to be paid for and forgiven!
God said something special to Eve and Satan:
And I (God) will cause hostility between you (Satan) and the woman (Eve), and between your offspring and her offspring. He (Jesus) will strike your (Satan) head and you (Satan) will strike His (Jesus) heel. (this conversation is recorded in the Bible in Genesis 3:15).
Eve said that she and Adam did not understand all of this, but they knew that God had a great plan, and that someday one of their descendants would be special. This special person would be born of a human mother but not have a human father.
Adam and Eve lived a long time on this earth (hundreds of years), and during that whole time they did not understand that special promise that God had given to Eve, but when they finally left this earth and went to be with God in heaven, then they finally understood that Jesus was the Son of God as well as human! He could pay for our sins because He was God and did not have any sin Himself. God made a way of forgiveness for all who were willing to humble themselves and come to God and ask for forgiveness of their sins.
Adam told the Professor, MJ, and Precious that God’s love was big enough for everyone in the world, but each of us must turn to God, seek Him and ask for His forgiveness.
It was time for Adam and Eve to return to their own time. They had traded away their fur clothes, so they had to go back to their time dressed like someone from the 1970’s. This did not bother them because there was no one else on the earth back in their time, so no one would laugh at them.
They went into the wooden booth, the Professor showed them the button to push, then he shut the door. After a minute the booth began to shake like a mosquito who had too much caffeine, there was the sound of thunder. When the Professor opened the door to the booth, Adam and Eve were gone.