The next week when the kids arrived at the campfire place, there was no fire! Once again Dave took the kids to the van, they got in and Dave drove them away from the camp. The kids were excited, they thought they were going to look at more Christmas decorations and that was so much […]
Tag: Christmas
13. Ornament Gifts
Dave had a table set up by the campfire. On the table were many craft supplies, such as scissors, glue, sequins, glitter, ribbons, construction paper, and many other things. The kids wanted to know why Dave had all these things at the campfire. Dave told the kids that tonight they were all going to make […]
Farmer Green & Farmer Purple Time Travels – Who Is Having A Baby?
The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. Angels came out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, M&M and Gummy Bear saw that they were in the town of Nazareth outside of a house. Suddenly an angel appeared right in front of M&M and […]
Wildfire Christmas – New Life
The last person to get an ornament for the branch that was substituting for a Christmas tree was the teenage boy. Everyone was curious about the type of ornament that he would bring. He had been very quiet and seemed very sad. After being gone for a long time, but teenage boy came back into […]
Wildfire Christmas – A Baby
It was Christmas Eve, but the small group of refugees was not in a festive mood. There was no snow, no decorations, no food, no music, no presents and almost no family. They had to walk carefully because the ground was still hot in some areas, and there were hot coals and embers where there […]
God-Connections in National Parks – Christmas in August in Yellowstone National Park
The third helper with a Christmas God-Connection now stepped forward. She was wearing shorts, a t-shirt and had an amazing tan! Everyone was curious about how she got such a great tan in the winter, and why she was dressed in summer clothes. She explained that at Yellowstone National Park they celebrate Christmas in August! […]
God-Connections in National Parks – Fort Vancouver
Christmas is almost here and the teacher asked if any of the helpers had found any God-Connections that involved the Christmas holiday. Three of the helpers raised their hands, stepped forward and said that they had found a God-Connection that involved the Christmas holiday. The teacher pointed to one of the helpers and asked him […]
Adventures on Route 66 – Petrified Forest National Park
The Ugly Little Blue Bus was fixed! It had a new radiator and was ready to continue the trip on Route 66. The Leader told the kids that they had not stopped at the Petrified Forest National Park because of the bus problems, so they were going to do something that they had never done. […]
16. Professor Ooops and the Time Machine
(from last time) The big, mean camel looked at the Professor and there was fire in his eyes! The Professor said, “Let’s get out of here!” The Professor, Shane and Shelly ran to the bicycle/time machine and Shelly turned the crank. They jumped on the time machine and began pedaling as fast as they could! […]
14. Professor Ooops and the Time Machine
(from last time) After the evening meal Shelly said, “Now that Thanksgiving is over, it is almost time for Christmas! Let’s get on the bicycle and see if we can get home for Christmas!” They all got on the bicycle/time machine, Shelly turned the crank on the side, then they all began pedaling. As they […]