At the next campfire meeting, Dave had a small table by the campfire with two things on it. The kids saw that the things were a piece of paper, and a plastic device with a round dial on it. The kids were curious and asked Dave what the things on the table were. Dave told […]
Tag: Heaven
8. Hide & Seek – Pinewood Derby Style – Part 2
Last week we heard the story of how the two kids played hide & seek in their pinewood derby cars. The boy went first and hid on top of the hill by the town’s water tower. Now it was the girl’s turn to hide. They had agreed to the following rules for their game: Before […]
1. The Valley of Ice Cream
The kids were excited because Professor Ooops had promised that if they used their imaginations and made-up stories about their pinewood derby cars, he would use those stories to teach them more about God. The first story that the Professor read to the group was written by a girl who had made a pinewood derby […]
Farmer Green & Farmer Purple Time Travels – Going For A Swim
The bright pink tractor was spinning around and around, and smoke and steam surrounded it. Grasshoppers, flies, hail, frogs, and gnats came out of the smokestack! When the smoke and steam cleared away, M&M and Gummy Bear saw that they were beside a big body of water. It was too big to be a lake, […]
Medford Forest Nature Camp – Elephant
One morning Joe had surprises for the kids at Nature Camp. He met the bus when it came into their driveway, and he had a red wagon. He told the kids that today he had two surprises for the kids. The first surprise is that they were going to go exploring and bring back in […]
Medford Forest Nature Camp – Ants
Joe and Haley were planning a surprise picnic for the kids. Joe had big bags of potato chips, hot dogs, buns, and cookies. Haley made three gallons of lemonade! Haley slopped the lemonade all over the kitchen counter and onto the floor, and she did not clean it up very well. The lemonade looked so […]
Medford Forest Nature Camp – Butterfly
The next morning Haley met the kids as they got off the bus and she told them that she was going to take them on an adventure in the forest, but then something unexpected happened! The group was going up the driveway, and they had almost gotten to the farmhouse when Haley yelled, “Stop!!” The […]
Stories from Medford Forest – Longing For God
As Haley and Joe finished their talk about temptations, Haley was starting to get sleepy. Since she had fallen into the puddle in the driveway, she had taken a hot shower, drank hot chocolate and had a warm meal. Now she was wearing warm clothes and was wrapped up in a warm blanket. She was […]
Stories from Medford Forest – The Father’s Voice
One night just before dawn Daniel the raccoon climbed down out of his hollow tree and went across the field to Joe and Haley’s farmhouse. He knew how to open the door to the house, so he let himself into the house and went exploring. Daniel stopped first in Joe’s room, he was looking for […]
God-Connections in National Parks – Grand Canyon is the Goal
The train ride was wonderful, and all the helpers enjoyed it so much because the teacher was there to meet all their needs. The train trip came to an end and the teacher had arranged for the whole group to continue the trip in their own private bus. The helpers were so excited because the […]