The kids and the leaders finally crossed from the State of Missouri into the State of Oklahoma. The Ugly Little Blue Bus was running great, but the kids were getting hungry. They asked the Leader, “When can we stop and get something to eat?” The Leader promised them that they would stop soon. About 20 […]
Category: Stories
Adventures on Route 66 – Service Stations
The kids and the leaders got on the Ugly Little Blue Bus and left St. Louis. The next day they knew that they had a long day of driving ahead of them, so they stopped at a gas station to fill up the tank on the Ugly Little Blue Bus. While the Leader was filling […]
Adventures on Route 66 – Gateway Arch, St Louis
The kids and leaders were exhausted after their walk across the mile long Chain of Rocks Bridge, and then having to walk back again, so they slept well that night in the campground. They were still tired the next morning when they got onto the Ugly Little Blue Bus to continue their trip, so they […]
Adventures on Route 66 – Chain of Rocks Bridge
One afternoon the Leader stopped the Ugly Little Blue Bus by a big river, it was the Mississippi river! They all got off the bus and the Leader led them to a bridge and told them that they were going to walk across the bridge and walk back again. It was hot and the bridge […]
Adventures on Route 66 – Muffler Men
The group of kids and their leaders got back on the Ugly Little Blue Bus and left the Streetcar Diner. They traveled to the city of Atlanta Illinois and the kids could not believe what they saw! It was a giant statue of a man holding a giant hotdog! Immediately the kids were hungry for […]
Adventures on Route 66 – Streetcar Diner
The group of kids and their leaders got back on the Ugly Little Blue Bus and left Chicogo on Route 66. They went as far as Gardner Illinois and then they saw something unusual! Their leader said, “Look at the streetcar that has been turned into a diner. Of course the kids had questions; what […]
Adventures on Route 66 – Getting Started
There was once a kid’s group at a Church. This group was just a bunch of normal kids, but their leaders had an idea! Why not take a road trip on Route 66 and see some strange things in this country and learn more about God at the same time! It was a great idea, […]
10. Custom Lawn Mowing – Have No Fear, God Is With Us
(From last time) They walked back to the canyon where they had hidden the lawnmower and talked about all the adventures that they had had. They both were starting to get very homesick and they agreed to leave this place and maybe, just maybe they would get home some time. So they started the lawnmower, […]
9. Custom Lawn Mowing – Dealing with Pride
(From last time) That man and his Brachiosaurus were ready to go back to work. So while the other people were still trying to figure which Brachiosaurus belonged to them, this man and his Brachiosaurus picked the best rock and began to drag it out of the canyon. Flash and Spark Plug decided to follow […]
8. Custom Lawn Mowing – Following Jesus
(From last time) The lawnmower and the kids went hurtling over the edge of the cliff! They were going full speed straight down! Flash and Spark Plug could see the sharp rocks 800 feet below them and coming fast! They were both screaming for God to help them! Then it happened! 50 feet before they […]